Venticello has nestled on its hillside since 1989 when I first started building the village with a variety of clays. It is often called the 'Coral City' because of the terra-cotta's earth red color, or the "Mosaic" for the unusual sculptural qualities of its pavement. One particular feature of this community is the large number of mausoleums composing about a third of the total structures. Burial monuments to mice, gold fish, a rabbit, lizards, birds, snakes, spiders, wasps, snails, and even leaves, indicate the species that populate the village, and the respect given them when they pass on..

All sorts of services and institutions are provided in the city. The map indicates palaces, places of worship, gardens, a post office, a library, the Ideimiste University of Venticello, 2 museums, a theater, 2 small hotels, private houses and apartments, stores, a health clinic, a prison, an art studio, a bank, and of course, last but not least, a cemetery. The sculpture gardens of this city are peculiar to say the least. They are dense clusters of figures several stories high, and are referred to as 'forests'. The majority of these statues I carved were used as chess pieces in the exhibit 'Tritons Bleus-Vermeils' in Paris' Galerie Halle Saint Pierre in 2003.

In 2000, a group of French Students worked on projects with Venticello as the theme. To see their clever ideas, click on the link below: LINK TO 4ème B.

Approximate scale of the buildings: the average story is 3" high.


LINK TO 4ème B







clicking on the elongated box above takes you directly to venticello's prosparca museum.

Nocturnal view of Ventiçello's bustling Mercredy Square
The Topolino Mausoleum
The Ideimiste University of Ventiçello (left ), looking onto the night life in Mercredy Square.